Humanism Now
Welcome to Humanism Now, the weekly podcast from Central London Humanists and Humanise Live. Tune in for the latest news, insightful worldwide guest interviews, and lively discussions on the most pressing questions of our time — all from a naturalistic, empathetic, and rationalist world view that marks out humanism. Join us as we explore ethical dilemmas, dissect current events, and engage in thoughtful conversations that matter.
Podcasting since 2023 • 26 episodes
Humanism Now
Latest Episodes
26. Nathan Stilwell on the Need for Compassionate Assisted Dying Legislation & End of Life Care
Welcome back to Humanism Now for a special episode coinciding with the critical upcoming UK Parliament vote on assisted dying — a pivotal moment we've long campaigned for and debated. In this episode we hear how what the bill entails, wh...
Season 1
Episode 26

25. Paul Harrison on Humanists in Business, plus Approaches to Activism Discussion
"It's difficult to think of an area of work life that isn't connected to humanistic thought. If you start with ideas around the dignity of each human, compassion, kindness, ambitions, ways to behave, being evidence-based and being equitable...
Season 1
Episode 25

24. Lori Marriott on Humanist Climate Action
"A key tenet of humanism is empathy. Whether that's empathy for those around us or to all humans, but also we should extend that to all life of exists, and then forward in time, to future generations." - Lori Marriott<...
Season 1
Episode 24

23. Ariel Pontes on the Quest for Ethical Consciousness in a Divided World
"It's really not as hard as people think to have a peaceful conversation with somebody who disagrees profoundly with you on deep questions." - Ariel Pontes This week on Humanism Now we share our w...
Season 1
Episode 23

22. Ojas Singh Bhanot on Cultivating Student Groups plus Fostering Scientific Literacy in Society
"Humanism is about human goodness, appreciating reason & potential" - Ojas Singh BhanotThis week on Humanism Now, Mark & Nicole join the panel to discuss how illegal faith schools den...
Season 1
Episode 22

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